"Welcome to
Stadium Runners"

"A social group
who like to run!"

Running with a group can be more fun than simply training
on your own. Making running more social can help provide
the motivation to run further and/or faster.

Stadium Runners provide an opportunity to train with a
friendly group of runners over a wide variety of local routes.

"Come and join like minded folk!"

Stadium Runners run from the Huddersfield Leisure Centre every Monday and Thursday evening. We meet at 6.30pm for a quick briefing followed by a run.

Training Nights

Monday and Thursday evening at 6:30pm

Stadium Runners run from the Huddersfield Leisure Centre every Monday and Thursday evening.

We meet at 6.30pm for a quick briefing.

There is no pressure to formally join the club. Why not come along and run with us for a few weeks
to see if we are the type of running club you are looking for? If so great – join up. If not, no problem!

The club has three training groups known as Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Selecting the most suitable group enables you to run with those of a similar ability, whilst providing
an appropriate challenge. Whichever group you run with no one gets left behind, as those at the front always run back to join the rest of the group.

Select your group

Be comfortable with your capabilities



This group typically runs about 5-6.5 miles and is always accompanied by a qualified Run Leader.
The group runs at roughly 10-12 minute mile pace, which is equivalent to a 60+ minute 10K time
or a constant speed of 8-10km/h on the treadmill. If you are relatively new to running or returning
after an absence the Bronze group is a good place to start.



The Silver Group runs a bit further and faster than the Bronze.
Again the group is always accompanied by a leader but will cover 6-7.5 miles at a pace of roughly
8-10 minutes per mile. This is broadly equivalent to 48-60 minute 10K time or a constant speed of
10-12 km/h on the treadmill. Silver Group runs may also include some more demanding training
methods and terrain. Choose Silver if you have been running for some time and need a challenge!



If you are already an accomplished and possibly competitive runner, the Gold Group may be the one for you.
Gold Group runs will usually cover 8-10 miles usually at sub-8 minute mile pace and include plenty of hills.
The group is usually led by a run leader, but on occasions may be self-led, with the group taking responsibility
to ensure no one gets left behind.

"Stadium Runners welcome all new members."

How much does it cost?

The membership fee will be £40 for the athletic year 2024/2025.

If you have any enquires please email membership@stadiumrunners.co.uk

So what are the benefits of joining Stadium Runners?

You can be a member of Stadium Runners for just £40.00 per annum.

Much of the fee is for your individual affiliation to UK Athletics. Affiliation with UKA means that members are registered to run under the Stadium Runners name and means that when you run with the club, either at a race or on a club night, you are insured. The remainder of the fee goes towards all the extras that is provided to benefit the club members! Additionally the club pays for entry into the Calderdale Way relay. The funding also allows the club to subsidise events and negotiate bulk discounts to keep prices as reasonable as possible.